Posts Tagged ‘painting’

Celia Whiren and Jacob Christopher at Green Lantern

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

Saxophonist Celia Whiren and Artist Jacob Christopher collaborated on a set of improvised electroacoustic music as a sonic response to the collaborative painting show "Hot Mess" by Peter Hoffman and Caleb Lyons at Green Lantern.

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Painting is a thing full of difficulties, but bunnies are easy to love.

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What does it mean to drop yourself wholeheartedly into a moment?

To be out there on the edge, opened up for all to see. It means something, perhaps something hard to articulate, maybe something warm on a hard frozen night.

Speaking of the rigid, the structural systems behind this event; collaboration, mirroring and cross discipline interaction fascinate me. These things have a way of pushing the raw emotional performative moments out in front and framing them.

If you weren’t there you missed out!

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